Wednesday 13 March 2013

Windows Server 2008 R2 - printer FLOP-UP

Ok, so briefly what happend was one of my printers "fell" off the network it seemed. I then found I could ping it, connect to its webpage and do whatever to it but not print to it. Reboots, cold starts didnt help.

I deleted any .spl files in the c:\windows\system32\spool\

So I checked my Server - I removed the printer, reinstalled it and tried printing. Still didn't work.

I tried a different printer driver and tried printing - Now I got into a situation where my print spooler on my Server stopped everytime you trried printing to the printer in question. Little research and a chat with a buddy confirmed print spooler corruption.

On my windows 7 client I got no access to any printers, if you wanna print you get a box asking you to please install a printer... Normally a System Restore fixes this issue.
What helps? Delete the printer and reboot. Then re-add the printer.

PS: please do not use weird characters, - or / or \ in your printer names theres a bug in Win2008R2

Errors I got:

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