Tuesday 28 February 2012

Setup DNS on 2 win2008 Servers

on the existing server, under 'namesrevers' tab, add the new name server. on the existing server, under 'zone transfer' ensure that transers are permitted to only the servers on the name servers tab on the new server, create a new secondary zone. add the ip address of the current master server. it should automatically replicate. allow Zone Transfers from the existing server.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Nagios Error: could not fetch information from server

Check nsclient++ ini file on PC ** Check Nagios IP "allowed" ** Restart Nsclient++ service The most logical first step is to re-verify the Nagios server config file. Check to make sure DNS resolution is correct. Second, take a look at the NSC.log on the client system. In my case, I saw: 2009-03-30 10:52:23: error:.\NSClientListener.cpp:307: Unauthorized access from: ************* Well, that could definitely be a problem. My fault this time was in editing the NSC.ini after installation. The allowed_hosts line of: allowed_hosts=**************** needed to be like: allowed_hosts=***********/23